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Friends of Sandbanks Park

Working with the Park to make it an even better place to visit

Aerial Images 2019

West Point

This ppeice of land was the home to early farmers Hyatt, Mastin and MacDonald. Bought by the park in 1972, the area has been an area of extensive tree-planting and reclamation of farmlands and is well on the way to being returned to its pre-settlement state.

At its western tip was the famed Lakeshore Lodge, still a popular gathering spot for both day trippers and Park events.

The new (2017) West Lake Campground is also shown in these images.

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For non-profit use only; please respect our image copyright.

West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019
West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019
West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019
West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019 West Point Aerial 2019
All images © 2019, John A. Brebner/Friends of Sandbanks

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