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Friends of Sandbanks Park

Working with the Park to make it an even better place to visit

Aerial Images 2019

Scotch Bonnet Island

During our semi-annual aerial image projects for the Friends, I often pass over nearby islands and points of interest in Prince Edward County. Scotch Bonnet Island is one of those!

Scotch Bonnet Island National Wildlife Area (NWA) was established in 1979 to protect colonial nesting waterbirds and as a site for long-term research. Recent images show that it is home to a large cormorant population that have essentially stripped the island of any vegetation.

The ruins of a former stone lighthouse, built between 1853 - 1856, remain on the island as well as a steel-framed light tower, built in 1959 to replace the older structure.

It's off-limits to visitors.

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For non-profit use only; please respect our image copyright.

Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image
Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image
Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image Scotch Bonnet Island Aerial Image    
All images © 2019, John A. Brebner/Friends of Sandbanks

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