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Friends of Sandbanks Park

Working with the Park to make it an even better place to visit

Aerial Image Collection 2019

Dunes Beach   Dunes Beach
Geographic coordinates: 43.9101, -77.2741
Dunes and Pannes   Dunes and Pannes
Geographic coordinates: 43.9104, -77.2846
Lakeshore Beach North   Lakeshore Beach, North
Geographic coordinates: 43.9032, -77.2839
Lakeshore Beach, South   Lakeshore Beach, South
Geographic coordinates: 43.9435, -77.3253
Main Duck Island   Main Duck Island
Geographic coordinates: 43.9275, -76.6219
Nicholson Island   Nicholson Island
Geographic coordinates: 43.9168, -77.5208
North Beach   North Beach
Geographic coordinates: 43.9590, -77.5268
Outlet Beach   Outlet Beach
Geographic coordinates: 43.8900, -77.2118
Outlet River   Outlet River
Geographic coordinates: 43.8961, -77.2206
Pleasant Bay   Pleasant Bay
Geographic coordinates: 43.9465, -77.5184
Salmon Point   Salmon Point
Geographic coordinates: 43.8702, -77.2081
Scotch Bonnet Island   Scotch Bonnet Island
Geographic coordinates: 43.8996, -77.5419
Wellington Village   Wellington Village
Geographic coordinates: 43.9519, -77.3419
West Point   West Point
Geographic coordinates: 43.9046, -77.2655

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