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Friends of Sandbanks Park

Working with the Park to make it an even better place to visit

Paddle into Summer, 2019

Kakaks on the Outlet River Image 13-6405; Lesiurely boating on the Outlet River. Photo: John A. Brebner


Saturday, June 22 from 14h00 to 22h00


Start and Finish: The Woodyard, Outlet River

You need a boat:

Available at The Woodyard, participants may rent a canoe/kayak for $10.00 (all proceeds to the Friends of Sandbanks for improvements that stay in the Park)

You have a boat:

Launch at the Woodyard, parking available at the nearby entrance to the Cedar Sands Trail

What's it all about?

Aside from being the only river within Sandbanks Provincial Park, this short waterway has a colorful history embellished with some great stories!

During the heyday of settlement between 1784 and 1850, East Lake was home to a number of boat-builders. Using the magnificent white pines that provided dense tree cover over the entire County, they cut this valuable resource for ship masts and timbers, building boats that they sailed from East Lake into Lake Ontario.

The best masts were sent to Britain via Milford to supply warships that sailed in the War of 1812.

And the story about the casks of hidden French gold along the banks of the river make for an enduring legend in Prince Edward County!

This year the Friends of Sandbanks and the Park are pleased to sponsor the First Annual Paddle into Summer event. This is a non-competitive paddle, just bring your boat, or rent one of ours, and take a leisurely journey along the length of this tranquil waterway.

At the Woodyard, the Park has offered several kayaks and similar watercraft as part of our fund-raising silent auction. Make a bid... you might take a home your own gently-used boat after this great event!


  • This is an alcohol-free family-event.
  • Rental boats must be returned to the Woodyard by 20h00. (That's eight p.m. for you landlubbers!)
  • Only personally-powered craft may be used, although if anyone has a team of hamsters driving a paddle-wheel, we'd make an exception!

How much does it cost?

  • $10.00 per person, $15.00 per family

So what does your admission fee cover?

  • Entry to the event
  • Reduced rate for watercraft rental at the Woodyard
  • Ability to bid in silent auction for paddleboards/kayaks
  • Coupon for hotdogs, marshmallows
  • A raffle ticket for the Friends of Sandbanks 2019 Paddleboard Raffle (value $2.00, only 1000 tickets sold!)
  • Access to extra river water, specially brought in for this event to ensure you can float your boat!

Schedule of Events

  • 14h00 - 16h00   Registration, pick-up/launch boats at the Woodyard (map below>
  • 16h00 - 20h00   Paddle the Outlet River, from the Woodyard to East Lake, then back to Lake Ontario
  • 14h30 - 16h30   Silent auction of gently-used boats at the Woodyard
  • 17h00   Announcement of silent auction winner at Park Amphitheatre
  • 16h00 - 19h00  Hotdog and marshmallow barbecue at the Park Amphitheatre
  • 16h00 - 21h00  Entertainment by local musicians Acacia Lyra with a French-Canadian flavour (in honour of Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day!); bring along a musical instrument and join in the fun
  • 22h00   Event closes

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