2019 Events
Tuesday. December 10th, 2019, Friends of Sandbanks Park Annual General Meeting
Everyone is welcome to attend our Annual General Meeting, to be held at the Maple Rest (located at the north end of the park near the Dunes Beach entrance; see map) at 17h30 December 10th 2019.
If you are considering volunteering with our organization in 2020, here's a great chance to meet our Board and other folk interested in Sandbanks Park.
Please note that only paid-up members for 2019 are allowed to vote, or be elected to any Board positions.
17h30 - 18h15 Meet and greet, hors d'ouvres
18h15 - 19h15 Annual General Meeting
19h15 onward Pot-luck buffet dinner
Please RSVP if you plan to attend: media_relations@friendsofsandbanks.org by Friday, December 6th, 2019.