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Friends of Sandbanks Park Friends of Sandbanks Logo
Working with the Park to make it an even better place to visit
April 2021   
Welcome to the Friends of Sandbanks Park Information Update!

Through these regular emails, we inform our readers of upcoming events at the Park, including updates to our website.

And check our Facebook page for any late-breaking news, recent photographs and video clips!

Low Water at Dunes Beach
March 2021 view of low water levels at Dunes Beach; Photo: John A. Brebner
Latest News:

After a long winter, we are pleased to let our readers know about what's been happening with the Friends of Sandbanks since our December 2020 newsletter.

While we will not be hosting any events for at least the first part of the 2021 summer season, we are hopeful that by mid-August, restrictions on larger gatherings will have been relaxed.
Upcoming Events:
Friends' Shop:

Our shop has relocated to the West Lake Campground Office building (map below). Our new Shop Manager, Liz Lattner, has brought our best-sellers, new T shirts, keychains and other souvenirs to this convenient location. We look forward to seeing you during the 2021 season!

An informative souvenir of the Park is our own publication "Sandscapes". At only $10.00, it's a book filled with the geology, the nature and the history of human settlement of the Park from earliest times. You are sure to learn something new from this wonderful publication edited by Yvette Bree, our own Park Naturalist. Makes a great gift!

Sandbanks Park Trail Map
We hope to have some pop-up Shop Events around the Park during the year. Keep an eye open on our Facebook page for any upcoming events:

Don't forget… your $15.00 annual membership qualifies you for a 10% discount on all shop merchandise!

Dunes Beach Boardwalk Project:

Our signature accesibility project is moving along well, and is expected to be completed in mid-2022.

Progress photo album of this ambitious project...

Dunes Beach Boardwalk

Annual Membership:

We'd like to remind all our members that annual membership (April 1st - March 31st) dues of $15.00 are now payable! For your convenience, you may now pay directly through your bank.

We appreciate your memberships and donations to the Friends, and would like to remind you that all monies remain within the Park to continue our good works.

All paid-up members are invited to join our Board during monthly Zoom Meetings (held on the second Tuesday of each month at 10h00 until further notice.).

We look forward to meeting our members, at least virtually, in 2021, and encourage all suggestions as to how we can help make our Park even better!

In Memoriam:

Keith MacDonald 1927 - 2021

We were saddened to learn of the death of lifetime West Point resident Keith MacDonald on March 27th. Keith had farmed the lands at West Point with his family, who had arrived there about 1820 along with other County settlers from New Brunswick.

Their presence shaped Hallowell Township for almost 200 years. Keith's wife Eleanor Lindsay MacDonald was one of the early members of the Friends of Sandbanks, and has contributed greatly to our archives of historical material about the early residents of West Point and its first settlers.

Keith's family spent the better part of two hundred years clearing and improving their farmlands. I talked with Keith two years ago; he was somewhat bemused by the Park's and Friends' activities of replanting trees on the farmland that his ancestors had so laboriously cleared in the 19th century!

He was quite a character, and will be missed by all who knew him.

The McDonald/MacDonald Family Genealogy

The Macdonald Family Farm House

What's New!
  • Check out our "What's New" Page to see our latest articles and photo albums.

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Editor's Thoughts:

We are looking optimistically to a wonderful summer season. While we were unable to present our usual collaborative events with the Park in 2020, that did not stop the record flow of visitors to our amazing Park. We only hope that our welcome tourists appreciate the beauty of our Park, and refrain from leaving garbage and waste behind; respect the year-round-residents of the County by obeying local speed limits, and parking restrictions, and, above all, remember that this was the original home for not just Loyalists and Quakers from 1784, but those earlier indigenous peoples who visited and respected these bountiful lands and lakes for thousands of years, and left us this unique lasting legacy.

You may always get in touch with any concerns or questions at:

If we can't answer your questions, we know who can!

Stay safe!

John A. Brebner, Media Relations Coordinator
Friends of Sandbanks Provincial Park


The Friends of Sandbanks do not make reservations for camspites!

Please use the Park Reservation site for all campsite bookings.

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